Why do we need a Hans on our helmets? What are the benefits of... | Helmet Paint TOKYO - ヘルメットペイント東京

HPT Helmet Paint TOKYO


Why do you need a Hans on your helmet?

When you brake or crash hard in an automotive race, your neck is thrown forward with your head. The impact is much greater than you might expect and, in the worst case scenario, can result in paralysis due to spinal cord injury.

The cause is that the impact of a vehicle collision causes the human neck to stretch beyond its limits. However, if the neck and helmet can be connected and set so that they cannot move beyond a certain range, neck elongation can be prevented.

By preventing that 'neck stretch', HANS has dramatically increased the safety of automotive racing.

This video compares what happens in a crash with and without HANS. The driver on the left is not wearing HANS, while the passenger-side navigator on the right is wearing HANS. First is actual speed, next is slow playback; the video is only 38 seconds long.

An automotive helmet is required for the use of HANS; it is not recommended to compete or run in competitions with a two-wheel helmet, as HANS cannot be attached to a two-wheel helmet.

In addition, the wearing of FHRs as head and neck protection devices, such as HANS, has been mandatory in JAF-approved races in Japan since January 2017.

At the Tokyo showroom of HPT (Helmet Paint Tokyo), you can try on HANS as well as helmets.

HANS are made of carbon and polymers and are available in various types, such as those made by Stand21 and STILO. For a list, please check all items of HANS page.